- OHYUNG https://ohyung.bandcamp.com/
- Ruth Goller https://www.ruthgoller.com/
- Pierre Bastien ( http://www.pierrebastien.com )
- Steve Gunn ( https://www.steve-gunn.com )
- Josephine Foster ( https://www.firerecords.com/product-category/artist/josephine-foster/ )
- Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Honer ( https://intlanthem.bandcamp.com/album/recordings-from-the-land-islands )
- Carl Stone - https://rlsto.net
- Deb Googe (my bloody valentine) & Cara Tivey - dagoogie.com
- Ka Baird - https://www.kabaird.com
- Natural Wonder Beauty Concept (dj Python + Ana Roxanne) https://naturalwonderbeautyconcept.bandcamp.com/
- Brigid Mae Power ( https://brigidmaepower.com )
- William Tyler ( https://www.williamtyler.net )
- Dylan Henner ( https://dylanhenner.bandcamp.com )
- Elaine Howley ( https://elainehowley.bandcamp.com )
- Lia Kohl ( https://liairenekohl.com )
- Bill McKay (https://www.dragcity.com/artists/bill-mackay)
- Six Organs of Admittance (https://www.dragcity.com/artists/six-organs-of-admittance )
- Ana Roxanne https://anaroxanne.bandcamp.com/album
- Roy Montgomery https://discreetmusicgbg.bandcamp.com/album/broken-heart-surgery
- Matchess https://matchess.bandcamp.com/
- Winged Wheel https://wingedwheel.bandcamp.com/album/no-island
Joy Guidry https://www.guidrybassoon.com/
Bryan Senti https://open.spotify.com/artist/4QSmk1Bll3nbQfsjTe7vIR?si=KhIq_tl5QeWBrUlcLv1QjA
Steve Shelley / Bill Orcutt / Ethan Miller November
Penelope Trappes https://penelopetrappes.bandcamp.com/album/hommelen
- Damian Dalla Torre https://damiandallatorre.com/
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