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Graphic Score & Installation

by Pinky Htut Aung

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“A visual story about what came upon a beautiful land…” 


Graphic score and installation 

Artists' Bio

Pinky Htut Aung

Pinky Htut Aung is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist and experimental artist. She has always dabbled in painting as a kind of therapy to overcome her social anxiety. Pinky’s first visual art exhibition in 2018, Cloud are Thoughts, encouraged her to further explore her visual arts practice. She has been actively painting for social movements and participating in group exhibitions as an emerging artist ever since. Pinky is also an active member of Noise in Yangon and a  band called Bouhinga.

Following Pinky's involvement with A Sound Journey to Freedom, she was invited to perform as part of the programme at Sonica Festival, Glasgow.

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